Credit Card is something like that. You saw some old movies where a jaminder-type man gives loans to lots of people and takes extra money if they are not paying money on time. Here jaminder means a bank that gives you a loan through Credit Card. And if you are not paying money on type, you must pay the principal amount with an interest rate.
Credit Card comes with a preloaded balance that can use for online transaction and other purposes. The credit card gives you up to 50 days of interest-free periods. If you pay on time, you will get extra rewards. But if you miss the payment, you must pay acceptable charges late.
Benefits of Credit Cards
Rewards: Credit Cards offer rewards points on every transaction.
Welcome Gifts: Most credit cards offer welcome gifts, discounts & more.
Cashback Offer: If you are an online transaction lover, you will get a colossal cashback offer through Credit Cards.
Convert to EMI: Easily convert your EMI on products purchase. But you have to pay interest on Credit card EMI.
Interest-free Period: Credit Card comes with a preloaded balance with up to 50 days interest-free period.
Increase CIBIL Score: Increase your CIBIL score through credit card uses. It is a fast way to increase your credit score.
Lounge Access: You can use a credit card with complimentary lounge access. Free railway & airport lounge access is available on Credit Cards.
Fee & Charges on Credit Cards
Rate of Interest
16% to 22% per annum
Late Payment Fee
Annual Fee
Rs. 499+ GST
International Charges
2-5% of the amount
Cash Withdraw Fee
2.5% of the withdraw amount
Over Limit Fee
ATM Withdraw Fee
Credit Card Eligibility Criteria
Indian Citizen
Good CIBIL Score (730+)
An annual income of more than 3 lakh (Salary / Self Employed)
Age: 21 to 60 yr.
Difference Between Credit Cards & Debit Cards
Credit Card
Debit Card
Credit Card comes with a Preloaded balance
A Debit card does not offer preloaded facility
Get cashback & rewards points
Cannot get cashback & rewards points
Interest rates are applicable
Does not charges any Interest Rates
Welcome Gifts available
Does not offer welcome gifts
Pre-approved loan available
Not available any pre-approved loan
Charges on ATM cash withdraw
Free of charge ATM cash withdraw
How to Apply for Credit Card
You can apply for a credit card through with easy steps:
Step 1: Check credit cards that are suitable for you.
Step 2: Click the “Apply Now” button after selecting a credit card.
Step 3: Enter your phone no & basic details.
Step 4: Fill in the KYC details.
Step 5: Now banks will check your eligibility score
Step 6: If you are eligible, the bank will call you to verify.
Step 7: After that, your Credit Card will be delivered to your nearest post office within 10 days.
Remember, Before using Credit Card
Remember some points before using a credit card:
Pay on time: Credit Card is good if you pay money on time. Credit Cards provide up to 50 days interest-free period. You should pay the money within this period to avoid extra charges.
Cash Withdraw: Don’t withdraw cash through Credit Card. Banks charge extra amounts for credit card money withdrawals. You have to pay a higher interest rate for cash withdrawals.
Massive Spending: Some people spend too much money on credit cards. But this will ruin your CIBIL score. Use a credit card when it’s urgent. Otherwise, your CIBIL will decrease.
Multiple EMI: Most of the time, we buy products for luxury and convert them to monthly EMI. This will impact on CIBIL score. Also, you have to pay a 13% to 18% interest rate. Use a credit card as per your need. Don’t use a credit card for lifestyle.
Banks charge 2.5% to 3% of the withdrawal amount. If your withdrawal amount is Rs.10,000, you must pay 10,000 and an extra charge of Rs. 300. So the total is 10,300.